You can support Law of the West as an individual member. By doing so, you help us to provide legal journalism without a paywall.
Should you become a member, we will recognize your contribution in our periodic reports and on this website. We are happy to keep your identity anonymous if you desire.
Our membership levels are:
Associate: $6.00 per month
Partner: $12.00 per month. This level comes with a periodic member-only newsletter.
Sustainer: $25.00 per month. This level comes with a periodic member-only newsletter and acknowledgment in our annual report.
Underwriter: $50.00 per month. This level comes with a period member-only newsletter, acknowledgement in our annual report, and listing on our website.
We seek funding from underwriters, too, and we offer businesses the opportunity to both sponsor our journalism and purchase business memberships.
Given that Law of the West focuses on journalism of interest to the legal community, we expect that many of those business sponsorships and memberships will appeal to law firms.